Monday, December 16, 2019

Day 16: Sweatshop

 I seriously thought in the morning that I would stay away from this sweatshop today.

But then, early in the morning, I decided to try to make marshmallow-cookie-ice cream. I have never tried that before and I got a chance to try out my torch as the recipe called for roasted marshmallows.

The above picture is the beginnings of making sweet and heavy rye bread. I only make it for Christmas, but it is not traditional Christmas bread. (I am almost sure, it would be almost impossible to get the ingredients outside Finnish borders, but of course I am not sure.)
 Then I prepared traditional carrot casserole. I have already made one with all the ingredients, this is gluten-free and milk-free version and I am not sure how that turned out. I will need to make one with rutabagas tomorrow.
There were black bananas waiting for me to deal with and these two small cakes are gluten-free and milk-free banana breads. I usually bake them in the cake form because they are so sweet.
 I had made extra walls for the ginger bread house and I needed to get rid of those and this is the beginning of a ginger bread cake. The bottom layer is crushed cookies and butter and this middle layer is mostly cream spiced with ginger bread spice mixture. It is in the fridge waiting for the top layer that I will prepare tomorrow and then will freeze the whole cake.
 If you could step into this last picture, you would be in the kitchen that is full of baking fumes, as the breads are still in the oven and you would hear the dishwasher humming in the background. I am waiting to get the breads out to put them outside for a while to cool them down.
While baking today, I kept thinking of a new sock that I started yesterday and of my blanket. I thought that tomorrow I would knit for a bit but probably not. There is still so much to do and there is another batch of baking for tomorrow.

Wool with you,


  1. Your kitchen must smell wonderful. And that gingerbread cake sounds like quite a treat. I hope it all turns out well. Love the twinkle lights in the window. I imagine the lights are wonderful in Finland. They are nice here too. Our daylight hours are getting shorter but not as short as yours.

    1. Thank you Jane, xx. The dogs are my constant companions in the kitchen now... Today the sun rose at 1104am and set 1317 (0117pm). You have to be really quick if you want to do something during the daylight hours...

  2. Anonymous13:54

    Oh, doesn't it sound blessed are families to have wives and mothers preparing their homes for the celebrations to come! I hope you enjoy every bite!

  3. MAGIC -- your house is magic - - thank you!

  4. I love the lights in your kitchen window and I can imagine how wonderful your kitchen smells. I am remembering that I wanted to make some bread. I've been focusing on cookies (which I wasn't really going to do...but then decided I would...).

    1. Thank you, xx. I love cookies... I usually have one with my first cup of coffee in the morning... I should make some, usually just have a store bought one...

  5. I thought I would have some knitting time today, but it disappeared into time spent going to and fro carrying buckets of water out to the paddocks, and then walking through the herd giving each goat a banana button for a treat. No bananas are allowed to get black or made into cake here - the goats would be so disappointed! ;)

  6. Oh, I would love to feed goats with bananas! xx
