Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Frost Flowers

Few days ago I joined this mitten knit-along. I thought that I'll whip up a pair of Rovaniemi mittens... the rate is more like knit one tink two. Again this mitten is taking away all my confidence - also patience. It is easy to remember now why I have few mittens missing the other pair (thay are going to be singles the rest of their lives), also I have one without a thumb (couldn't handle it the first time). I promised to show you the inside but I might have to take that back.

The pattern can be found in some old Finnish books. I don't know if it is available in English. The instructions even in Finnish are not very exact, they show you the pattern and how to arrange the little balls but so far I haven't seen anywhere explained how the stitch is made.

We had -14 degrees today, the sun was shining and I had to go out to take you a picture of the frozen lake. I found these frost flowers scattered all around the ice. Then happened to look at the gloves I was wearing ... the same flower!

These gloves are "Vante from Hedmark" from the book "HĂ„ndplagg til Bunader og Folkedrakter" (ISBN-82-496-0187-4). It is the most beautiful Norwegian book about hand wear.

The whole lake is frozen! The ice is maybe 3 cm (little more than 1 inch) thick, I walked on it near the shore and jumped on it and it feels quite strong already. We might be able to skate later on this week if the weather stays like this.


  1. I just found your blog. It's delightful! You do some truly beautiful work with your needles. I love the gloves in today's post, and also the beautiful pullover with the embroidered cuffs. And the mittens with all the colors kept on a needle--that's fascinating. I'm really glad I stopped by.

  2. Anonymous17:46

    I love your blog! Your knitting is just beautiful and I enjoy the photos. I'd never heard of the technique used for the Rovaniemi Mittens, so that was quite interesting. "Handplagg" is one of my favorite books, Thanks and best wishes!!

  3. Anonymous20:22

    Its lovely to see something knit from the Handplagg book! Your work is beautiful.

  4. Anonymous05:41

    what beautiful stuff. I'm just learning about nordic knitting styles, and I bow to your awesome skills. I can't wait to see more!
